What Faith Co-op Is NOT:
- Faith Co-op is not a "day school." We count on the active involvement of every member family to make Co-op Class Day a success!
- Faith Co-op does not replace the role of the parent as primary educator at home:
Our role is to encourage the parent, through support, assistance, co-op classes and relationship building.
- Faith Co-op does not function as a school. Classes are held one day a week, for 12 weeks per semester, with one semester operating in the Fall and one in the Spring.
- Faith Co-op does not use a particular curriculum:
Parents choose what they would like to teach. Some parents teach using a curriculum, but the vast majority of the classes are created by parents using many different sources.
- Faith Co-op does not allow children to be dropped off for classes. Parents are expected to stay on campus and either teach or assist in classes during co-op hours.